I made it and i don't like it! lol

Everyone click on this pic and view it enlarged - have a look at the door line on the green Gen-3 and have a look at the fucken shit job i did lining the black up on the door line.. i swear it didn't look like that when i was painting it - everything LOOKED like it was right..

That shady character in the back there is Longshot SB in his Spirit R. TnTzuidema (in green) and myself are in Gen-3s..

Longshots playing catch up after a 3rd corner minor mistake..

Its hard to see, but Longshot is right there behind that dust cloud..

You'll need no tyres, no STM, and no TCS for that to work TnT :)

All the way 'round :)

Longshot with the last lap come-back!

I manged to stay with him, but being so evenly matched it was impossible to take 1st back..

Longshot SB FTW!
So im not really happy with this paint job.. need to be scrapped and re-done..
LOL, Kinda looks like a Miata with that paint job.
Lord Zod 0z
Lord Zod mate email me right now ivymike@gmail.com - wanted to talk about this GTR/WRX battle
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