ninja for hire.

Thursday, February 26, 2009

Your tax dollars hard at work waste

Friday MORNING at 8.30am - Princess Hwy, Tempe - Your tax dollars hard at work, catching out the tremendous amount of early friday morning drinkers????


Worst than that, see the guy under the red arrow? (cop in background, not on road) He was a giant FAT fuck. I doubt the fat shit could catch a cold, you know? Its fucking incredible that fat cunts like that can be NSW Police Officers. I'm a smoker, and i'm completely out of shape, but there is no fucking chance in hell, that turd could catch me if i chose to run from him. The only fit person there, was the guy on the far right. The others were tiny little females, and another fat fucker at the end. I had to laugh, and post.

p.s. fuck the police.

Wednesday, February 4, 2009


Yeah achievement unlocked... I hardly deserve it as I've had nothing to show you guys... and i built up this site by having regular posts for people to come back and see.. With everyone else giving up on Forza I'm left with no-one to race.. meaning there is NO chance for any more forza related updates. [Yes milk I'm talking to you, bitch ;) ] Sad really considering that on December 1st i made a post about have the forza bug again.. Well i had it, but no-one else did..

To all my readers* I'd like give genuine thanks, for your viewing. I do honestly want to keep this site active, but as yet i have not worked out what direction to take, or what kind of content i could have for you on a regular basis.

*all three of you