This time Maverati brought a GTO, something a little more competitive..

Bunched up..

Even tighter!


Just cool..

Close inspection..

Some fresh air..

Oh! Mav has dropped back juuust a little..

Oh! Mav has dropped back just a bit more..

Ok.. Mavs almost too far back :(

Mavs roughly 100-200 feet behind, i'm coming off track, and Lord Zod Oz takes the 1st lap lead, ALL the way through the 2nd lap, until the 2nd/3rd straight..

Right on the edge!

Here on the last corner end of 1st lap, im just a bit too far away to pull that much distance - i'll get another chance though..

This time i made sure i was closer than last time..

Right before the line..

Just after..

Maverati wasn't that far behind, and still had a clean car.. I don't think my GTO would stand up to either a Skyline or a WRX, the GTO is just too heavy..
Thanks for racing with us anyway Mav!

End note: I'd post the winner, but the race between Lord Zod and myself was so fierce and jet-speed that i feel like if there was 50 laps, 1st would change hands 49 times. Two very closely matched S class AWDs.
Those pics turned out awesome and the race was awesomely close, clean and fast too, I'm glad I saved the replay as well.
Andrew - who are you? people, post your gamer tags!
It can only be Maverati or lord Zod Oz..
Sorry, it uses my Google login automatically. I'm Lord Zod 0z.
hey thats cool really - just nice o know who is commenting! :)
I think we've got a few more coming up Lord Zod Oz :)
I'm going to build a 22B and the Nür Skyline to S class for another shootout
I extended my Fully Sic Range of cars to include the GTO, Eclipse and FTO in B class, bring em on mayteys...
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