ninja for hire.

Thursday, August 30, 2007

RedBull gives you wings...
Pity it doesn't help you beat me..

Nice score with the paintjob though TnT!

Photos courtesy of TnT Motorsport.


TnT, what the hell is this? is it yours? Someone you raced against? What is the paint job, is it meant to be rusted/messed up paint?

Photos courtesy of TnT Motorsport.

Go Directly to jail, do not pass go, do not collect $200

Problem solved?

The Randoms by TnTzuidema

Finally, someone else has submitted some pics! Thank you TnTzuidema. Get me some more Red Bull shots! Thanks for putting me infront, too ;) Who was driving the Home Depot Toyota? Dono again?

Photos courtesy of TnT Motorsports.

Mountain Due for a win

TnTzuidema has a growing collection of soft drink sponsored cars, with this new edition, Mountain Dew, nice work TnT!
We need to set up a race with at least 5 people, all same cars, and do a genuine "Battle of the Beverages" race. 8 racers would be optimal, but could be a bit of a hassle making sure everyone has a sponsor car, and we don't have any double ups.. If your reading this, and you want to join in, let me know via XBL or!

Photo courtesy of TnT Motorsports.

Wednesday, August 29, 2007

Theres boobies on my bonnet!

What's a bonnet, right?
I mean hood!

TnT Motorsport presents...

This race has been brought to you by TNT MOTORSPORT, inventors of the word "daboobagate"

Need More Muscle.

Its been a bit of a Muscle car overload recently.. I've bought 4 of them from the auction house in the last month.. ANd i never really liked them! Thats all kinda changing - and everyone can blame Longshot SB and TnTzuidema for that.

Does anyone remember this race? 8 drivers, 7 Muscle + 1 Mini = mayhem.

Ozric420 makes his debut!

It took me long enough to get online the same time as Oz, but it finally happened last night! When i went back to the replay i was dissapointed to find myself, TnT and OZ all split up on the track, and i wasn't able to even get a shot of Oz with me in the distant background! No matter, this Blog isn't going anywhere, more pics to come as i get them.

Aloha! by the way.

Tuesday, August 28, 2007

German Burger Rings Pt2 - Fuck you guys, I win.

Ah its not often you enter a random room, and immediately become the target of everyones stupidity. I enjoyed this race soooo much, made every bit sweeter by shit you losers were talking before we even left the lobby.

I started in 7/7, and 6th place was a Mustang - he went straight to 7th and stayed there. Over the next 6mins i listened to these to shitheads argue about what is better, Ferrari or Corvette. I mean that discussion right there is warning enough to show the levels of intelligence in this race. Racer A claimed Corvettes "SMOKE" Ferraris, because of their straight line power. Never mind those pesky little things called corners, or stopping. I mean, America is one giant long highway, right?

When i reached 3rd place, 2nd place stated clearly that i would never take 2nd from him in that german peice of shit, and that BMW make the worst cars in the world, and that GM cars are superior. 2nd place is the red airbourne car wrecking as i pass.

When i caught 1st place and was passing him on the home straight, 1st place said "Kenji Urban you take that fucking Nazi mobile and fuck off" - because i passed the fucking shithead on the home straight, with his poor pontiac limping across the line smoking and 50% wrecked. Only reason i didn't post a pic me passing first place, is i sent this link to everyone in the race (so i could tell them to fuck off here) and 1st place not only wrecked his car, but hes a stupid racist redneck moron, who doesn't deserve space on my site.

Fuck you! :)

Twin Turbo AWD vs 4-Cyl Hatchback

I don't really have anything to say about this match-up, except, why?

Luxury Ferraris

I never paid any attention to Maserati until TDU came out and thats pretty bad to admit. Truth is, they've never done anything that caught my attention. Thats all changed with the GrandSport. These are the luxury Ferrari line, because the regular Ferraris are fucking poverty on the inside, aren't they?

Step up and take The Pepsi Challenge™

Auction house SCORE!!!
TnTzuidema picked up this super sweet Pepsi paintjob last night for only 200k UNLOCKED! It only took a few minutes of constant annoying harrasement from me, for him to crack and send me to paint job. Thing is, he didn't actually look close enough to see it was a STAR WARS/PEPSI paintjob. How fucking awesome is that???
So, did you take the Pepsi Challange?

Everyone can look forward to the "Battle of the Beverages" between Coke and Pepsi.

ARE YOU READING THIS? Got a beverage paintjob you are generous enough to share? I'm looking for Fanta/Mountina Dew/Cherry Coke/Coke Zero etc etc. Please contact me via XBL and my gamertag: Kenji Urban, or leave a comment here, or email me: !

And just so everyone knows, cherry is spelt cherry ;)

944t vs Gen-3 RX-7

You know after posting a cool AC-DC car, its hard to come up with witty shit about cars without tricky paintjobs.. Good lookig cars even without the custom paint..

We're on the highay to hell.

AC-DC! cool design on this Ferrari, driven by Dono 23.
Its a long way to the top if you want to rock 'n' roll,
Its a long way to the shop if you want a sausage roll.

P.S. My 944T was very competitive with the Ferrari.

Grand Sport, it is.

I love this car! I hate Corvettes in general, so its probably more accurate for me to say i hate this Corvette the least. TnT has the simple but effective paint job.