Enter King Kobra, possibly the most hated track in Forza. I loved it from Forza 1, and every time i hear someone loser random say "I hate this fucking track - theres TOO MANY CORNERS" my love for the track just increases. Gotta hate those annoying corners!!! FUCK!!



CrispyChikin23 - tell BQND and Crispy apart using the subtle grey stripe down the side.


First corner, straight line, light weight power.. all the way from the back

This looked like Skidpig was going lose it and we were going to all blast past.. (he didn't, we didn't)

So i'm jammed in-between these two Lotus

Thats an interesting angle your entering from BQND! ;)

Bastard! You weren't attempting to corner at all! lol

Kenji; mysteriously missing from this pic..

No i'm talking trash of course - BQND waited for me and i'm back in front..

A brief glimpse at 1st place... very brief.. i *think* Skidpigs rear end came flicking around to my side and sent me directly into that tunnel corner-wall.. I say *i think* cause i don't remember the outcome exactly :) Either way no hard feelings Skidpig, just don't be surprised when 7 UPR members gangbang you off the track! :D

Again it looked like Skidpig was going to lose it leaving BQND and Crispy 1st and 2nd..

Despite being frequently sideways, and having one of those Lotus on his ass the last 1/4 lap, he still maintained 1st for the win.
Youse guys should worship at the temple of the RX 7 more often it is the most beautiful car in the whole entire game, you haw torque and power all the way through the rev range and then some...
good going Skidpig show em how it's done!
gawd dang im writing slangish again someone hit me!
as to Kenji geting T-Boned...
OOOOOOO that's gotta hurt!!!!
LOL nah it wasn't too bad - low speed really..
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