

Kenji Urban

Random #1


Random #2

Random #3

The launch - Crackles06 and Kenji Urban use AWD overtake Crispychickin23 just after the race starts, while in the background Random #3 rear-ends Random #1 and rest of racers leave smoke at start line.

Coming into 1st corner lap 1 - As Crackles06’s lead continues to grow, Random #3 starts off one of many spins in the dirt. The AWD Audi’s don’t stay on the track, I know, its okay Random #3, I was driving one too (Crackles06)

Coming into 3rd corner lap 1 - Once again in the background Random #3 leaves smoke on the track with massive wheelspin on the second of many corners. Notice Kenji is still behind Crackles, waiting for a slip up to make a pass.

2nd last corner lap 1 - Random #1 sideways around the corner, probably one of the reasons his tail lights were busted on the first lap :P. Nice disk brakes there on Random #2s R34, and some corner action further around the corner.

1st corner lap 2

2nd corner lap 2 - Within 2 instances B Quiet N Drive changes race position, but its okay, he wasn’t the only one off in this pic.

2nd last corner, lap 2 - Notice how close Crispychickin23 and Kenji were going into the corner, this is the damage from tailgating.

Last corner lap 2 - Crispychickin23 once again getting himself into a fender bender, this one wasn’t his fault however, and it lost him a position going into the last lap.

Coming into the 2nd last corner lap 3 – It was obvious that this race was mainly between Kenji and Crackles 06, but with only one pass in the race, it became evident that it was the right time to take the pass, after a stuff up by Crackles, Kenji powers past around the outside, the gap becoming larger over the next lap.

3rd last corner lap 4 – Victory was certain for Kenji, and a 2nd place win for Crackles was there too. Whilst Crackles realized there was no chance, and still a large gap between 2nd and 3rd place, he decided to take a shortcut to try and catch up, as you can see in the pics, it wasn’t a success, yet it did test out the AWD suspension on the Audi, and relax the strain on Kenji’s accelerator controlling body part when he realized a 1st place win was there.
Results being..

All text and pics brought to you by Crackles06 :)
that damage came up pretty hard core considering i barely tapped him, i dont really remember, but i dont see anybody spinning out :P
nice replay crackles :)
yeah it wasn't too bad - the damage might look good but its far from realistic:)
nice racing
Nice work Crackles !!!! See you on the track again soon. -BQND
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