
Random #1 (R1)


Random #2 (R2)


Random #3 (R3)



On green the field splits into 2 sets of 4..

BQND in his top spec Tide EVO stuck in the back!

Full deck corner..

Still clean..

TnT leads the way..

.. then makes room for CrispyChickin23 and myself as we pass along the slight up-hill

Keep your eyes on 'R3' in the green muscle car in 5th..

Although TnTzuidema makes plenty of room he still hits 'R1'..

.. and then rams TnT off into the wall HARD..

.. leaving him in last.. Don't worry; revenge will serve itself later..

BQND begins his intimidating shadow racing against the R1 EVO..

It didn't look like Crispy was going anywhere apart from forward..

.. and then here; R3 on the inside in the muscle did what he continued to do the rest of the race.. bomb corners from behind without announcing himself or even mentioning his intentions..

Taking out CrispyChicken23 early in the race.. not a word of apology.

THEN; 'R1' in the EVO loses control whilst trying to evade the spinning Crispy, instead of safely backing off..

.. strongly pushing BQND off track.. luckily he recovers fast..

This whole mess leaves me all the way out in front. I would have waited for Crispy and the other UPR members, but there was no way i was going to let 'R3' take 1st, or 2nd if i could help it..

After being sent off the track briefly by the 'R1' EVO, BQND is met by a fast moving Crackles06 and a recovered TnTzuidema..

After narrowly missing the Crispy wreck & BQND being sent off, 'R2' decides to make the best of his lead and pushes the big red flashing button on his dash board that reads "SUPER FUCKING POWERFUL ROCKET BOOSTERS"


Oh theres air being taken in alright..

Its actually quite cool how far and high this thing traveled in the air..

'R1' gets by fine - close, but fine..

Watching the Seat slide across the track from BQNDs car in the replay gave me an awful gut-wrenching-game-ending feeling..

Try and see if you can work out how SLOWLY that Seat is sliding across the track - its sliding down the track quickly, just not across it very fast..

BQND zips past the wrecking Seat at top speed within inches.. and for the record, from where i was sitting inside the car watching the replay, if i was driving, i would have pushed the brake gently to give myself just that extra bit of reaction time.. BQND did not, he just gunned it all the way in perfect calculation, barely needing to adjust his line.

Then fighting his way back to behind this dick again..

.. and then after 'R1' wrecked himself..

... 'R3' started to feel the serious heat BQND was giving off..

... so after BQND skillfully made his pass without touching 'R3' (while he was off track)

... 'R3' stayed in style and used BQND to turn the corner..

..except it back-fires and 'R3' spins off the track and probably into last.. i don't know i didn't bother to check!

Then after it looked like BQND was finally clear, he is caught by a still fast moving Crackles and the partially wrecked 'R1'..

Watching this replay i was frustrated to see BQND fall back behind the random again..

..and my feelings must have been spot on - BQND was wasting no time and was actually pushing at the random through this corner.. just letting him know.. "I intent to get you no-matter-what"

BQND takes 2nd and keeps it until the end.
This race, although littered with poor racing from the 3 randoms, was VERY enjoyable and satisfying race to watch - and it had nothing to do with me - BQND had a white knuckle fight and stayed with the pack all the way in lap 1 only to be shunted to the side as was TnTzuidema.. then fought back through the mess, had to deal with the inconsiderate 'R3' and finally get around the EVO driven by 'R1'. Taking 2nd after all that was well deserved.
Kenji, I think you really can read my mind dude!!! Looking at & reading this replay really makes me want to race, like right now. It's pretty much all I'll think about at work today....
i could've won too, if it wasnt for those meddling kids.
dude i was seriously lmao at that flying seat. how the hell did that happen? theres nothing around him that shouldve been capable of launching a car like that.
and i really wanna race now too.
I'll be hone from work in 8.5 hours.
lets race.
*pulls off rubber racing helmet* (like a mask) "It was old man Urban!"
Well, i agree you *could* have won.. that is if i wasn't so fucking awesome.. and come 1st every time, every track..
(wakes from dream) "Wait.. fuckit! It was only a dream? I thought i was a good driver"
Watching that random spin you out like that in the replay.. it was frustrating to watch cause i saw that bit so many times taking pics.. theres some more replays coming..
I hope you all marked that R3 dude as a bad sportsman, but it still looked like fun and I wish I had more time to play online plus I have to rebuild my garage after my HDD had to be formated.
ah dont remember if i submitted a bad review or not - i don't usually race these public rooms! The other Urban Players need a bit more competition though, beating me night after night gets a bit boring :D
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