We've all got something to show here..

Urban Militia with his un-registered UPR paint scheme - Sharky you may be liable for penalties and possible jail time for driving a car with an unlicensed UPR paint on it ;-D
Just so everyone knows - EVERYONE can do a UPR paint if they choose to - i only ask that oi see it first, before it goes onto the track!

This is another Urban Militia ride from a replay i didn't end using..

Fucking awful

Fucking excellent. there is a huge difference.

Quiet tuned and painted.

Amazing! so cool! This looks so great! I'd steal this paint style next, if i hadn't already retired.

Such a slick paint on the BMW.. so cool..
well, since you put away the paint brushes, maybe you should pull out the masking tape and the airbrush! altho you'll still need the brush' for an occasional pinstripe. :P
no.. i just cant put myself through it anymore - im getting to serious about paints (de ja vu? - milk)
so every time something doesn't work out the way i want it too i get all pissed off.. and my gaming suffers and you guys get SuperCuntKenji..
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