Don't you boys at the back see this is a muscle car race?






Dirty Scrote

On green, little cars to the back please.. oh wait.. they were already there!

1st corner spread

It looks as if DANJR and Crackles are out of it..

NO..They're both back on.. (and off)

DANJRs lead ends here..

.. Crackles and myself blow by.. Begin the Crackles/Kenji battle for 1st

The 2nd/3rd/4th spot is hotly contested for the 1st and 2nd laps..

Great to watch, 3 enter, 3 leave (not including me of course)

Crackles Qantas cars looks like its flying, but its not.. just a strange angle..

1st/2nd lap home straight.. the lead isn't that comfy..

Crackles with his top end speed... i can only hope to stay in front using the high number of turns..

Now in front..

Now not..
The following pics are taken slightly far apart within the actual race, 1st/2nd/3rd weren't that close.. (In other words its not every consecutive corner)

Comfy gap..

Not a comfy gap..

With Crackles doing shit like late braking down the outside on the last set of corners i knew 1st wasn't going to be mine until the the placing window was up...

We're at Suzuka (long) that means not only does Crackles have one, but two, long straights.

Right here, right as we left the last turn onto the straight, i knew it was all Crackles. He caught me consistently on the straights throughout the 1st 3 laps, and it was all a matter of making that calculated pass late in the last lap.

Did i say calculated?

I meant to say; LUCKIEST and CLOSEST WIN EVER. Intense race to the end, to the line and right on it.
hey kenji....
you have been mispellling my name half the time...
It's crispychickin23... not crispychiKin23
just fyi :P
sorry crispychikin23 i'll fix it asap!
thanks for fixing it smart ass :P
remember.... crispychickin23.
maybe you should change your name to kenji bourban :D
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