New Edit; aaaaaaand we're back..
Edit: I came home to do some replays and photos tonite and XBL is down? Is it just me? No access to the site either?
Well, where do i begin, what do i say? There is only a couple reasons i keep this site going, one of which is watching the hit counter steadily rise. Some people might say thats a silly thing to count on (pun fully intended) but i disagree, if no-ones coming back, then whats the point of updating? Luckily for me, people are coming back, and you're all coming back regularly - something i appreciate greatly.
Thank you all for visiting this site. Thank you VERY MUCH :)
Now, i thought A LOT about doing a lot of different things for the 10k mark, but as it turned out what i thought was going to be easy, turned out to be hard. Harder than i thought anyway. I'm trying to record our races complete with microphone audio for full commentary.. "Whats the problem?" you say, "thats easy!".. Well, it is easy.. anyone can run out and buy a HD recorder and record something - well, i need to be able to record and edit, add titles, fades, transitions, effects etc etc, then produce a final product on dvd as well as regular posts on youtube, so im looking for the right HD recorder that produces editable files, ad on top of that, finding a process that isn't time consuming..
Anyway! Over the next week or so, I'll be doing some photo shoots and i'll be doing some feature posts (hopefully with help from everyone) so what that means is, if you've got a car you want featured, let me know, maybe something you made up for your friends, imaginary or real?
As well as that, I'd really like to hear from visitors, whether it be compliments or complaints, suggestions or requests, even hate mail, which i might add, i love. If you're a visitor to this site, and we've never even met, drop me a line, tell me how you found this site! I'd like to know how people are finding this site.. and make it even easier to stumble across.. Any ideas on how i can make this site more enjoyable for you to visit - i'm interested in doing..
Now.. a little disclaimer; if for some reason, you send in an idea or request (or demand) and i don't end up using your idea (or ignoring your demand) i can assure you 99% of the time, it will be because of time constraints.. i apologize in advance..
So, tell me how much you love me, tell me how much you hate me.. send me comments, suggestions, complaints and most importantly, compliments - here!

I don't even have a good pic to post here!
Congrats man still makin' a difference even w/ the game being dead
yeah XBL has been giving me alot of problems the past few days. really annoying... in fact.. hey its down right now. at least its reliable :P you can count on it being down.
its pretty annoying at the moment.. well see you guys tomorrow night? lol
hey Kenji, congrats on hitting the 10k mark! I haven't raced with you guys for a while now, will need to race again soon - I promise I have cars which aren't white =)
Thanks Scotty! i appreciate the comment, and of course the same goes for everyone :)
You're welcome to join my rooms in Forza anytime..
Dono! We'll be racing soon too, damn the XBL downtime!
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