Candy - Hoisin

Ice - TnTzuidema

Orange Juice - Dono 23 (running stock!)

Grape - Longshot SB

Lemon - Wyan69

It was TnT and Hoisin out in front


Wyan you were by yourself most the time


Then it was just Hoisin..

Hoisin who was in front by along way, waited at the line, as did napster so that Wyan could unlock his last achievement - 1 million credits won in online racing. Congrats Wyan!
Special Thanks to napsterbater87 for waiting around in his cool Bioshock Monaro..

All thats missing from the line up was B Quiet N Drive in his "smoke" (?) Corvette, and we would have had a full room of Limited Edition UP Racing colored Corvettes!
Now i'd like to thank everyone; Hoisin, TnTzuidema, Dono 23, Longshot SB, Wyan69 and Napsterbater87, for waiting patiently, while i commanded everyone around, obsessing over you all being inline and spaced evenly. I'm sure you guys were texting each other "kenji is a loser" while you waited on the grid, and i'm sorry it took as long as it did (just over 6mins) - thanks again for going through the pain of dealing with me.. It may not seem like it, but i am trying to do it all as fast as possible.. just think - i have to go back and watch every second of the replay, multiple times, because there is NO sensible fast forward/rewind system in the replays.
11 Dec 07-Note: stock has run out.
ya don't seem to have a vanilla, or fire, earth, lets see...
how bout the rolling stones cars with all different mineral names or something i dunno
The only reason why I was first was that I took off from our photo line first whilt everyone else bumbled around! i.e. not one-at-a-time ...lol
i Came in first tho!! haha
Thanks Adrian! *hug*
I am SO JEALOUS that I missed out on this. Kenji, these pics look amazing and I hope this makes you feel like all your hard work designing the paint (with TnT) and getting them all out was worth it. Now we gots to get some Puma Photos!!
Great job on the cars. They look sweet. Congrats Wyan69 on the achievement. I know for me getting that out of the way made the game more fun.
stock has run out..
yeah thx tnt, now i have 1000/1000 or 44/44 !!! woot!
Welcome to the club. I know Hoisin is going for the collector ones. It sucked having all of those damn cars in the garage.
yeah it does suck, but w/e lol and gogo Adrian if I can get the acheivements ANYONE can hehe
I want all the cars in my garage, and I want them all upgraded to a PI class... If forza's gonna include all of those random cars then they better be put to use!
They look awesome, mine was cooler lol. J/k
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