This should not have happened - but it did.. slight bump sends the MC12 into a spin

This air..

Caused this.. You have to admit the last thing your expecting is for the Enzo to get airbourne like it did..

This isn't the official Enzo vs MC12 race, more so a teaser, or taste test of the real thing. I know Wyan, Hoisin and Maverati want in on this one too.
Who was driving which cars? Thats unimportant :)
I will however, say the MC12 driver applied a fair amount of trash talking before this 3 lap, 5 race series started, and i will say that that same driver ended up second overall.
All in all, it was 5 intense races, that were pretty close the whole time - a great series race. Bring on the 8P Enzo vs MC12!!
Want in?
You're damn right I want in on this race!!! hehe
you forget to mention that the MC-12 & the Enzo tied in the final point standings...The enzo won by default because it one 3 races to the MC-12's 2. That is fair, don't get me wrong, but it won't happen again : )
more more more
i've already got and re-sent BQNDs MC12 and Napsters Enzo - the rest of you - DO IT.
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