Half in the sun, half in the shade.

Hoisin you were off racing the randoms! Someones gotta put it down for Urba-... Puma, i guess ;)

I have been waiting for this post for weeks now. It finally came about and obviously it was well worth it. Such a great replay to watch. That was of course after i gave up the racin' and pulled over to meet up with TnT and BQND on the next lap. Hoisn was off racing randoms :) In front too! BQND set the rest of the UPs up with a PUMA cobalt!
Now, im risking "gay-ing" up this post by typing what your about to read - but this Puma Cobalt has served as my inspiration to start painting UP Racing cars like i have been with TnTzuidema. BQNDs earlier stuff was of equal caliber, but this one, with its swooping side and slim lining, it really set my mind off in new directions. Basically, if i had not have see this, the multi-color Vettes would NEVER have been made. So far i haven't come up with anything that i consider to be as good as what BQND has done here. I'm actually in love with this paint.
BQND, gimme a chance to do a "12345678 PUMA!" post..
For those of you that will look at this and criticize it for being to simple - don't bother posting a comment, i'll delete it. I think its no secret (on this site) that i am a fan of this style paint job. (and to those curious as to who i'm talking about - its randoms that have found my site through word of mouth or wikipedia or some from a friend etc etc - they're not on my friends list - or any Urban Players friends list, i know, i checked!)
Mine was stock btw :P
I can't wait to bring mine out in the mix. I got the #5, Thanks again for the car Milk.
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