Need i say more?

To my extreme surprise, I'm NOT the only person in the world to experience this very rare hardware failure. Lord Zod Oz has not only the RRoD, but got them while on holiday. His xbox also looks 228 million times cooler than mine. Not cause of that tricky colored face plate, but cause it doesn't have a pink controller sitting on top.
Unless you guys start sending me pics to post, this website is going to get pretty boring for you all.. So if you have even ONE pic, send it to me, i'll post it.
Also, the video of the above pic is here
Milk.... Crackles.... you know what you have to do.
p.s. yes, thats a pink controller.
Warning: Pink controllers may cause 1 or more red rings of death.
Well, now it happened to you too. At least they get it fixed and back to you pretty damn quickly.
no warranty regular Junago, tells me that the 360 has a new 3 yr warranty if u have the RROD? If thats true then i would still be within my 3 year warranty (i think)
possibly, good news!
Well its Junago to the rescue!
Thanks for looking out for Kenji, Junago!
there will be updates. oh yes. there will be updates.
Thanks BQND! I look forward to them :)
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