[Prez Edit: You're welcome Crackles :)]

Ever spun out, and wanted to get back on the track as quick as possible? Or maybe you just made a dickhead of yourself, and spun out because you’re a shit driver, and wanted to make it look legit and like you actually meant to spin out?

First of all, you need a reason to have spun out, as I said earlier, you’re either 1 of three things, a dickhead who cant drive, you got pit maneuvered, or you tried to pit maneuver someone and you completely failed, hence, you fail at life.

Okay, to start off bringing it back, you’ll of need to follow through with the pit maneuver or whatever caused you to spin out, spin it all the way round, until you’re basically reversing as fast as you were going before you spun out, and heading in the same direction.
Before you try to hard and fail everywhere, whack it into reverse when you get close to going in the same direction as you were heading before the misshap. This is easiest if you’re driving a manual shift, but if you’re driving auto, I imagine it’d be possible by holding down your brake button.

Okay, so now that you’ve got the beast into reversing (taming the wild beast) pick up a little bit of speed before you attempt anything else, preferably close to the top end speed of your reverse gear.

Heading backwards? Good, that’s where you bloody wanna be mate! Keep it together, trying to keep it as straight as possible, although it is quite hard to keep it straight right after an accident, especially, as imagining in this case that you’ve been pit maneuvered and there are cars rushing past you and shit.

Before you try to spin it back round 180 degrees back to normal, give the steering wheel a bit of a flick in the opposite direction of what way you want to spin it back around. This will give you a bit more momentum and will be easier to maneuver the wild beast back into action. So for example, if in this case you want to spin the car around anti clockwise, give the wheel a quick flick clockwise moments, even milliseconds, before you flick it back around in the clockwise direction.

Okay, so now basically, you should be heading in the right direction, and if you’ve done it correctly you may even get kudo’s from your racing peers, like this fatty here, doesn’t he look excited? :\

After flicking it back around, you’re now free to catch the prick who sent you into a spin, (most usually that Kenji Urban guy because he is a terrible driver!!)
Even, if you wanted, because im a nice guy, I give you permission to take out the dickhead who spun you out. Doesn’t it just get on your nerves? When you’re trying to have a nice little fun clean race, and some prick takes you out? Fuck them, take the fuckers out the next chance you get!!!

Don’t let him down, give him a show when you drive past him on the main straight of Mugello, he gets bored otherwise. See how happy you can make him! Keep up the good work guys!
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