Be much cooler if there were five of us..



Dirty Scrote

Kenji, all your cars look boring except mine which ROCKS

The race was all BQND

It may look like we were split up, but it was actually pretty close racing most of the time..

Three into a corner?


Lets all follow BQNDs line, right?

Same pic as above, different angle..

Yeah great line! TnT makes a recovery just in time, Dirty and myself scramble to make it back to the track quickly..

Dirty, sideways in the distance, TnT tucked in tight behind BQND..

I'm coming in a little too hot..

Slight outward drift.. Close...




Whats missing from this picture!

Its BQND still out in front..

Kenji in the sand. I like the beach. NOT!!
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