ninja for hire.

Monday, April 28, 2008

Closer than i though +
Awesome AWD fight for 1st

Suzuka West - one of these cars does not belong!

The Ninja Returns - Kenji.

Dono 23 - FWD!



As expected, on start, Dono in the FWD goes straight to the back..

But we're fairly bunched up on 1st corner..

And with me in the dirt, it makes it easier for everyone to get passed..

I'm back on much quicker than Milk expected..

Commence harassment.

Evo behind. Remember this as we'll have some DeJaVu soon..

While im harassing Milk, Dono is menacing me from 4th.. Just out of shot to the right is TnT with two on the track and two in the dirt..

Making a miraculous recovery, TnT moves down to 2nd..

.. and we go three wide to the corner..

.. but we don't wreck!

Ok, so maybe a little bit...

After a change up, its still Milk in front, then Dono, me, and T.

Donos stint as 2nd is short lived..

Now for reasons still unexplained to me, Dono left the track moments after this track and hit the wall head on to the left, in an almost impossible to achieve crash.. The angle and speed in this pic dont match the wreck angle in the next! (This happened too long ago for it to be accurately remembered - drugs and alcohol were in effect)

4th now owned by Dono 23.

Milk in second, is just off pic to the right, between myself in 1st and T closing quickly in 3rd.


Evo BEHIND - DeJaVu from the right...

DeJaVu from the left...

Its getting hot up here in 1st. I can feel the heat from the engine bay of that R32.

At this point i started to feel like there was no escape..

Because from here on, there was less than 20m between us the whole time

Along straights..

Around corners..

Growing impatient, Milk cooks up a 'plan' to take me out

Then decides he'll make his move..

.. and does so, TAKEDOWN!

No...he passed on the inside.. some paint work needed, i'll send you the invoice, BQND.

And i'll say it, almost immediately, i knew this race was over, as i brely managed to keep first that whole time and now i had to reclaim it from the mighty R32.. its. not. happening.

As Close as i may be..

Its nothing around corners..

Or straights..

Superb replay to watch. Superb. Dono in his rare FWD outing, which stood up reasonably well against three battle proven AWDs and Milk taking 1st from me in a nail biter on the 4th lap.


Crispychickin23 said...

hey just to let you know... you have me labeled on this post instead of tntzuidema. not that it mattters, but you know.

Kenji Urban said...

garrrrrr. fixed! thanks crispy and sorry T!