It's official - Grand Master Ninja Kenji Urban is retiring his Ninja Shoulder Bag. I'm not afraid to admit, this FreshJive shoulder bag was originally owned by Lord Gohda, who offered it to me when the bag had reached the end of its fashionably cool life-time. Kenji Urban, however, doesn't recognize time frame or fashion constraints, he wears what he wants, where he wants.. Quite possibly one the most significant reasons he die a virgin. A might be an awesome Ninja, but still a virgin.

This Ninja bag has served me well, and at one time or another, has transported almost every different piece of contraband known to mankind. This bag has been through it all. Its got white stains, red stains, few black stains, complete with rips and tears.. all with the faint smell of chlorine and spent gun power.
I'm now in the market for a replacement Ninja Shoulder Bag. Any ideas?
that bag dates back to '95... and i didn't bestow it upon you because it wasn't fashionable anymore, i just became one of those guys who carries nothing apart from the bare minimum at all times, and no longer had any application for it. rather than discard such a splendiferous caliber accessory, i chose to pass it on to the grand master, for he would be most deserving and make the the most use - by activities of malfeasance or otherwise - of said bag.
Ive got a nice bag... its pretty sweet cause its heat sensitive... so it shrinks (shrivels) when it gets cold, and expands when its warm. right now its quite warm and its contents are gently hanging.
borderline... crispy. Borderline.
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