
Longshot x 69

Kenji the shadow

Lord Gohda

Crispys harassment begins.

Spectator; OMG DID YOU FUKN SEE THAT SHIT!!!!!!!!!!1!!!eleven

Crispy, I am all over you (in a completely non-homosexual way)

When i was watching this replay i got a shock to see Longshot RIGHT on my ass (in a completely non-homosexual way)

Longshot stayed with us most the time, Gohda was just out of the action..

Another completely non-homosexual, tight shot..

I thought my time had come late in the 2nd lap..

But no..

I waited patiently for 3 laps..

Then its all over.

Its simple; Test Tracks belong to Kenji Urban :)
i dont even have to say anything anymore.
ive infected you Kenji Muahaha
I always wear protection!
Where you at Crispy
i would wear protextion... but they dont make anything big enough, so i have to make do with 55 gallon garbage bags!!!
(55 gallons= ~200 liters)
ive been uber busy with school. but ill be on tonight!
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