I saved this replay to show off this cool gray-scale paint by TnTzuidema.

Longshot x 69, the driver formerly known as Longshot SB


Crispychikin23, the driver formerly known as Kentucky Fried Chickin23

The Ninja Kenji Urban, UPTuned INGS RX-7

Lord Gohda; his t.v. is black and white

AWD launch - the two WRXs are straight to the front on the first corner..

I needed to fight past Longshot, Gohda and Crispy to try and take a shot at TnT cruising out in front..

Took me a lap to even get into a passing position over Crispy

Plenty cornering on the INGs, not top end power..

TnT is only a few meters in front, but its a comfortable lead.

3rd lap - At this point, the Ninja/KFC battle went up a few degrees

This race, i was determined to take 2nd..

4th last corner, I'm totally pushing the RX-7 to catch an AWD which is not going to happen..

I can get close..

... but can never compete out of corners..
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