And a quick note to those of you reading that are not on my friends list; How many times are we going to have the same conversation? You know who you are, and i told you i would post something about this situation. STOP sending me your fucking invites to play - I am NOT going to leave my full room of friends to join your empty room, so you can tell ME how YOU want to be photographed. NO, i don't want to follow you around while you attempt to drift. I've got drifters, who DRIFT. Go see, FDSlyzoom, or X Running Tree X. THAT is drifting.
I'm SO close to posting your gamertags..
OK, so I'm done with my angry little rant.. which applies to NOBODY on my friends list..
As my friend said...
let sleeping dogs lie :D
hey Kenji if you see a cheap copy of forza2 at target,kmart,big w, eb etc could you please let me know
mav whats happened?
andrew, forza 2 is on special at gamestop until sunday. 19.99 used.
(its also 19.99 used with marvel ultimate alliance)
And those are U.S. dollars. not sure if they have any gamestops in aussieland or not.
i dont think we do get gamestop over here in aussieland
Presidential decree; From now on all non-australian friends will address Australia as "Aussieland"
nah we dont have gamestop in australia and we also dont have kanagaroos or koalas as pets as alot of americans think
Kenji you tell that non friend whos boss :D
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