ninja for hire.

Sunday, June 29, 2008


WOW! It turns out this fucking piece of shit doesn't record in 60Mhz either! Fuck it sounds like i'm asking too much, wanting a recorder to record in 60Mhz. You'd think it would be a pretty basic function.. being able to record in both formats..

So I returned the other DVR today, and had to pay another $60 to get this LG model that does everything the other one does + all the shit i didn't want or have any use for. All i need to do now is go all the way home, plug this fucker in and see that it also doesn't work - SO HOW THE FUCK IS EVERYONE ELSE RECORDING FORZA? and NO, I'm not buying/building a PC with a capture card. Someone go ahead and tell me DVRs are incapable of recording at 60Mhz..

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Dazzle DVC170. I know that if you use PAL instead of NTSC it will be in black and white.