ninja for hire.

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Kenji Urban; Lone Soldier

Why did i think anyone would understand? I am truly, all by myself.


Unknown said...

Hey I'm in that picture! I like the game for the tuning, modding, and drifting. The part about your hands not moving while shifting does piss me off. The graphics aren't even close to the screen shots I've seen, but I still like the racing and tuning. I don't use the rewind feature at all because it takes away from the the whole sim aspect. They have made it more mainstream, which kind of blows, but I still enjoy it for what it is. i'd give it a 8.5/10

PS check my blog -

Ashton aka Khaotik16

Scott Lancaster said...

Hey mate, if I got you down the other night I apologise. I was one of the "I'm surprised you..." people. As you said, because you were so vocal last time I assumed Kenji was going to be a no show this time around.

PS - Since we're pimping out our blogs check out mine @

PPS - Should I blog FIRST before I pimp it out?

Anonymous said...

it will be ok Kenji.