ninja for hire.

Sunday, January 3, 2010

Kenji Urban goes OFF-ROAD...
....gets stuck....

So I went AWDing in the sand over the break recently, and no less than 25 seconds into it, I was stuck. REALLY stuck, like dig yourself out for 20mins and still not moving stuck. Believe it or not, this little Suzuki was extremely competent on the sand dunes, putting the expensive AWDs that were there 'cruising' the flats, to shame. It really was fucking impressive. In the end, yes we needed to be pulled out (only 3 feet) and in turn we helped the very same guy who helped us out, when he was stuck 20mins later. I'd have more pics, but after 20mins of digging I was a bit worried about getting sand in the camera as it was EVERY WHERE.

Yes ladies, in my bum crack too.

Then as we were leaving I found a turtle! He wouldn't come out of his shell though :( Cowabunga.

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