ninja for hire.

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

In China, car tow you!

Chick Refuses to Be Towed - Watch more Funny Videos

I'm totally doing this next time in my tiny 86mm clearance Celica.

Monday, January 18, 2010

This picture is worth a thousand words..

But what those thousand words would say is fucking irrelevant, because look a those laser tits!

Sunday, January 17, 2010

Thursday, January 14, 2010

One for the VP

I told you it was subtle!

Large chrome rims. Standard issue gangsta.

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Super Cars

Kenji, Scotty, Jelly Muffin, TnT, WoundWoWfanAU - Supercars, Holden Vs Ford.. nothing official :)

Quite a slippery fun race!

I'm not sure which of you is which on track here, but I'd like to say Hi to new friend Jelly Muffin and Hi to old friend WoundWoWfanAU.

I do know that's Scotty way out in back there ;)

I just wuzn't paying a-fucken-ttention

What happens when the lights go green and the driver on pole, isn't paying attention?

I'll show you, 3rd place pink VW slams into the back of the BMW in full launch...

... followed by 5th place Porsche smashing the pink VW so hard it left the ground..

"I just wuzn't paying a-fucken-ttenion"

Monday, January 11, 2010

Nice and close

Kenji Urban vs Dono

A very close match, old vs new.

This pic says it all, perfectly.

We wuz ROLLIN!

Scotty in front.

Scotty not in front.

2008 Saleen S331 Supercab x 8

What happens when you put fucking awful, fucking stupid, american SUV's in a circuit racing simulator?

This happens... on the straight...

... and this happens... on the straight...

German Excite

Ranging from bad to worse

Gucci paint.

This DeLorean is out of time

Complete with Flux capacitor, engine and HOVERBOARD!

So fast it bleeds

This Porsche was so fast..

It bleeds!

Sverige, please.

Here is my great D-Class AWD runner at Nurburgring. Shiny.

Sorry for all the shit

Sorry for the lack of Forza posts - they're coming today! :)

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Stolen Randoms

The art of drift; NCD1 Avanti

Nascar paint by Dono 29

I stole these pics from your storefronts :)

Dedication or Stupidity?
your call..

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

January 12 - FM3 DLC?


fuck you.

Apparently there is a January 12th DLC coming out that will include *drum roll* AN AUSTRALIAN CAR!

But of course.. its not one of the MOST popular cars on Australian roads, a car that hundreds of thousands of regular people own, who would then go on to enjoy driving their own car in game.. its supposedly... the HRT w427.

I MUST ask.. Why the fuck the 427? WHY? WHY? WHY? Only 137 were build for Australia and NZ! Why the fuck would it not be one the massively popular SS range, you know.... one of the ones that all of Australia drives? The one that would have plenty of bodykits for? Upgrades? Fuck no that's DUMB! That's just stupid. That's exactly what I expect from Turn 10. Way to go guys, just keep ignoring us.

Note: From the same unreliable source that this post came from, the source claims there will be DLC released every 2 months!? (not always cars, sometimes tracks)

The HRT W427 - not very inspiring is it? Incredibly it looks A LOT like the Pontiac? Hmmmmmm...

Online/Offline - Whats the difference?
Trash talking works for both...

Monday, January 4, 2010

The White House Scam - OLD!!!

This really is fucking OLD - i was doing this very-very same thing in high school, except we would do it with laptops or expensive shoes.

Sunday, January 3, 2010

Kenji Urban goes OFF-ROAD...
....gets stuck....

So I went AWDing in the sand over the break recently, and no less than 25 seconds into it, I was stuck. REALLY stuck, like dig yourself out for 20mins and still not moving stuck. Believe it or not, this little Suzuki was extremely competent on the sand dunes, putting the expensive AWDs that were there 'cruising' the flats, to shame. It really was fucking impressive. In the end, yes we needed to be pulled out (only 3 feet) and in turn we helped the very same guy who helped us out, when he was stuck 20mins later. I'd have more pics, but after 20mins of digging I was a bit worried about getting sand in the camera as it was EVERY WHERE.

Yes ladies, in my bum crack too.

Then as we were leaving I found a turtle! He wouldn't come out of his shell though :( Cowabunga.

Best FM3 drifing you ever saw?

Alternate Mario

mario jobs

Regular Service Broadcast

2 of the latest and greatest on the track.


We now return to our regular broadcast schedule that does not include rabbit sex :)