ninja for hire.

Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Castle Crashers: 4Player Adventure

Old style Raphael, Michelangelo, Leonardo, Donatello?

Castle Crashers
PREVIEW by Kenji Urban.
Sound 10/10
Gameplay 7.5/10
Graphics 9.5/10
Story 1/10 (Story N/A at time of preview)

Alright - let me start by saying that its my opinion that 98% of XBLA is utter garbage. Complete and utter trash. Expensive trash too! Undertow? N+? How anyone could honestly believe they had the right to charge people for N+ was just, amazing. SO ANYWAY....

Castle Crashers: 4Player Adventure!
Who, what, where, why and how? I played through what i suspect was the entire first level, with Scotty Canuck last night. It is one long hack and slash fest, sprinkled with laughter. Hacking and slashing isn't funny by itself, its any one of the 10-20+ animations happening onscreen in the midst of whatever little battle your in.

On this screen we can see one guy getting electrocuted, another having his head slashed off, one being frozen and the last simply being beaten by a long club.

There also seems to be a fair amount of selectable characters, with some being unlockable. is it just me or does that character on the right look like an asshole? How many in total, i have no idea so don't go buying the game cause Kenji said there was 200 unlockable characters.

Go buy the game, there's 200 unlockable characters!

Who's your boss?

This is the end of 1st level boss, nothing difficult here, just learn his attacks and get into it! There is no steep learning curve, just get in there and mash the buttons. See the girl hanging up on the tree in the background? (orange hair) Well that's one of my bitches that the end of level boss has stolen and I'm here to kick his ass and get my hoe back. Those of you who have finished Double Dragon, you wont be surprised at the end of this level. I know Scotty was surprised! Deadly surprised. LOL

This is another 'sort of" end level boss, that consisted of me and Scotty riding Bambi (yes bambi) through a wooden factory (kinda) while the giant THING (see above pic) chased us (horizontally, left to right) through the factory, having to jump over fallen logs, and pass through the narrow open doorways that come towrds us from the right of the screen.

The animation in this game is the real draw, its all quirky, really funny stuff that makes you look at every sprite on screen in the hopes that you'll catch that funny expression on the enemies faces as his head is cleaved off. The pic above shows the bad guys steal more of my bitches, its a runnign theme i guess.. Make no mistakes here, this game looks all cartoony and childish, but you can be sure as fuck, it is not. Heads being chopped off complete with bloody splatter and all that.

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