ninja for hire.

Wednesday, December 5, 2007

Urban Ninja: Subaru Legacy 2.0GT

The Urban Ninja Legacy, another car/paint in the Urban Ninja series, by Maverati Speedworx. I like it, a lot. Other Urban Players have begun to enjoy the Speedworx tuning shop, as well as the Old Skool Racing :) Nice one Mav. Keep painting my cars!

TnTzuidema is getting chased around Sunset Infield in his Gold/Black Cobalt - off the line, of course, no contest, but once they were up in the top end they were surprisingly close together.


Unknown said...

please take that spoiler off the legacy it ruins it, ive seen it done in real life and i felt sorry for everyone whose time and effort went into making that car when the owner decided to ruin it by sticking a hidious spoiler on it. But the paint job is looking sweetttt

Kenji Urban said...

unfortunately, this car demands it. its not the greatest handling car to begin with.. AND i put the spoiler there..