When the race started, i noticed there was no-one in-front of me on the grid (where there should have been) and before i could even think about it properly, a car (the altezza) rolled down the front of my hood, and gently bounced onto the ground and rolled forward right up into the back of 2nd place on the grid.

When we started, Milk obviously wasn't seeing what the replay was displaying, because he ploughed straight through this glitch car and sent it airbourne almost to the other side of the track. Choosing the car in the replay to see who was driving brought up "Blank" and "Lap 1/999,999,999"

These two HOT Cobalts are a completely custom, and original design by BQND (B Quiet N Drive/Her Milk) which ULTIMATELY deserve their own post, this wasn't the race to use for the replays. It was wreck-city.
P.S. BQND, if you've got #0 and i've got #2, who has #1? (Puma paint)
The phantom car of road atlanta sounds like
Have you seen somthing like this before??
lik, is this a re-occuring thing?
nope but it sounds sort of like the legend of the headless horseman...
he appears causes havoc and then disappears.
spooky eh
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