Adidas Sneakers! This has given me a great idea, a sneaker race! They could all be this Adidas look, just different colors! Andy, hook me up :)

Now this is cool! I would have never expected to see something like this on the AH, someone obviously likes the movie ALOT.. Oh, and watch the uncut version.
Abyss Donut!

Now this is probab;y the most common DBZ car on the AH. Watch alot of DBZ, do you Andy?

Forget what you've seen in the movies; Vampires Exist.

Smoking is good for you kiddies! 9/10 government scientists agree that teenage smoking keeps their job safe.

I see this all over the AH now in various styles and layouts.. usually its together with the american flag.. this time its just a simple paint and star burst effect. The detail/shadowing in the eagles face is amazing.

I've got a Monsters Inc paint, i'll need to compare them to see if they are different much..

Mickey Mouse! Old school Mickey Mouse logo here.. GREAT Mickey face on the hood too. I *could* go on about Disney, but i can't be bothered.

Unleash the Cat!

Rally-Spec WRX! Thats great looking, just in the wrong game! NO off-road racing here!

Lastly, another really cool cartoon style image of GTA: San Andreas
All images courtesy Andyroo79
ok jeez alot of comments now
1st ive also got a converse shoe car as well
2nd DBZ is my favourite show
3rd i also seen the american flag with the eagle on there, but since i aint an american i didnt bother buying it
4th the wrx can still be used, theres a few big corners to cut and the wrx is good at it
Lastly the last paint job is Grand Theft Auto San Andreas
Converse! hook me up and we'll go Left foot Vs Right foot!!!
And the GTA car - All those girls look the same to me.. Remind me to do a GTA race causeive got 2 GTA cars..
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